

In yet another distinct and inspiring relief effort for the Haiti earthquake disaster, a varied group of bands and musicians — including Scott Stapp (Creed), Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine), Godsmack, Eve, Alter Bridge and New Kids on the Block — have given their support to “Plane to Haiti,” a humanitarian effort led by DC3 Music Group, LLC.

scott-stapp-200x225Under the direction of respected live concert video director/producer Daniel E. Catullo, an MD-80 aircraft is scheduled to depart for Haiti from Long Beach, Calif. on Wednesday. The aircraft will transport doctors, medical staff and 10,000 pounds of medical supplies to the hard-hit Haitian capital, Port-Au-Prince. Waiting on the ground will be Creed’s Scott Stapp (pictured). Be nice — he’s taking an admirable hands-on approach with this one. Others, such as New Kids on the Block, helped by soliciting donations from fans while leading by example. Morello played a key role by networking with doctors through email.

Catullo and his DC3 associates plan to use their background as video producers to set up a system that will allow people to leave messages for each other in the attempt to find loved ones who have gone missing since the earthquake. The director also plans to film public service announcements and document areas of Haiti and aspects of the disaster that have been overlooked by media reports.

With additional support from its partners, the Wheelchair Foundation and MedShare, “Plane to Haiti” has raised over $1 million in supplies and donations, and plans to make repeated return trips as funds allow. Visit the official website for more information and to, you know, donate.

SOURCE: Spinner