

Hale students raise money for Haiti. After the earthquake in Haiti, Hale Elementary students raided their piggybanks, collecting about $3,000, but that pool now has grown to a total of nearly $50,000. Parent Diana Anderson told others about the students’ fundraiser, which inspired them to donate money and materials. A matching grant of about $24,000 from the Wheelchair Foundation means more than 300 wheelchairs will go to the disabled in Haiti. If you would like to donate, the foundation will match any contribution of $75. Information: www.wheelchairfoundation.org

– Ray Parker, The Republic/azcentral.com

William Scarano 11

Jacob Boyette 11

Amanda Booth 11

Annelyse Caffrey 12

Amanda Page 10 “It feels great to donate the change lying around the house, which is what I did and got almost $57.”  “I like best that you’re helping someone out.”  “We decorated boxes for all the classes and everybody got involved, including my dad, who gave me a jar full of change.”  “I babysit a lot, so I could have bought a new necklace, but gave it to Haiti. It’s sad they have to spend their life like that.”  “To think that our change could help someone so far away from here is great.”

SOURCE: azcentral.com