
DULCE MILAGROS_normalDecember 21, 2005 was a different day in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. The Transmex facilities changed their routine. The drivers and workers exchanged their heavy loads for some light boxes. The drivers’ characteristic fast pace was replaced by a calm walk, and instead of driving heavy trailers, they drove red wheelchairs. Transmex, for one day, stopped delivering machinery and goods, and instead delivered hope.

There were people from different institutions like DIF in representation of the City Hall, Executives of Transmex, and people that never dreamt of going inside this important company. We got this story from an anonymous witness.

“I like large trucks. I dream of driving one when I am an adult. On my way to school, I stop by Transmex. Its doors are always closed, and the security personnel do not allow nosy kids to enter. I wonder what can be inside? From the opposite sidewalk, I see the trailers leaving, loaded with machinery, large boxes containing food and different goods. The drivers look very serious and proud of their trucks. In the back, I can see the very busy workers with their forklifts, feeding the trucks. That’s an interesting world.

“On December 21, I go as always, running to arrive on time at school, but something is happening at Transmex. No trucks are leaving, the doors are open, and strange people arrive, some without legs, some crawling, others who have to be held. Some look sick. I approach the door, and enter without problems. The guards smile. Is this the end of the world?!?!?

“On this day, the drivers don’t handle their trucks, they handle red wheelchairs, and the workers don’t lift heavy loads, they move white boxes where you can read, “Wheelchair Foundation,” and they have a globe painted on. In the back, there is a banner. I read again, “Wheelchair Foundation, Swift-Transmex and DIF.” This must be a party, since there are snacks, sodas and balloons. There are some very elegant people. They have to be the owners of Transmex, perhaps people from the Government. They are delivering wheelchairs to the special people. Among them I see my three classmates, Joseelyn, Itati, and Betzi. They are 11, 10 and 9 years old. Their mother says they have “bones of crystal,” an illness that results in very fragile bones that can break very easily. These girls can’t play the way the other children can. When they’re very sick, they miss school because they can’t walk and their parents don’t have a car. Now, they are happy, smiling, clapping, and they learn to handle their wheelchairs very easily. No longer do they have to miss classes, and they can share outdoor activities with us. Now, they have wings!

“Farther away I see Bryan, a 4-year-old boy who lost a leg in a train accident. It was a great tragedy. Today, his eyes shine again. He will be able to play with his brothers and to return to the Children’s Garden.

“This is a great festival of mobility. All of them are happy with their wheelchairs.

“Dulce’s Mother cries with joy. Dulce is a 6-year-old girl. Her mother says she will no longer have to crawl. Now she can play with her cousins and sisters. Neither will she have to remain at home because mama can no longer carry her.

“Ramiro, who lost his leg due to diabetes, cries with happiness. He now has his personal taxi and can go to the church to teach catechism, reading, and writing to adults.

“Transmex, for one day, abandons the delivery of machinery and goods for the delivery of hope. Today, I didn’t go to school to learn math, but I learned how magnificent it is to share, and that a wheelchair changes not only a life but the life of a family. I also learned that people cry for happiness and gratitude!”

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